
The Shield of Achilles

The Shield of Achilles

In Classical Lit today, we looked at Book 18 in The Iliad, specifically the shield of Achilles. A centerpiece of the story, the extended description of the piece of armor (called an ekphrasis) may seem at first glance out of place. 

Unlock Your Word Hoard

Unlock Your Word Hoard

Students wrote their own boasts in the style of the Anglo-Saxon poetry we are reading in Beowulf. Read two of them here, and see which tutor had his arm ripped off à la Grendel. 

MFA Trip (Oct 2015)

MFA Trip (Oct 2015)

In what has become something of a tradition at New Hope, the Latin tutorial, joined by some from Western Civ and British Lit, went to the MFA today.

A Midsummer Night's Scene

A Midsummer Night's Scene

Anyone who has taught or read Shakespeare knows that the best way to really understand the text is to perform it.